GET a FREE Smart Vending Machine


Min 75 people in your area

    Get office space Vending Machines Installed In No Time

    Office Space Vending Machines

    VendingUS is providing free-of-charge, smart, responsive, and visually appealing vending machines if you have more than 75 people in your office space.

    Employees get hungry and thirsty throughout the day. VendingUS knows the importance of keeping employees satisfied and with constant accessibility, employees do not need to leave the office sacrificing valuable work time to get a snack. With easy access to food and beverages, employees can remain productive and focussed.

    Workers can get their preferred items stocked in our machines via a QR code system. By using the QR code on the front of the machines, employees can make requests for certain items to be included in our machines.VendingUS machines can also be stocked with office supplies, thus saving on costs and time.

    VendingUS understands the need to keep machines serviced and running. All our machines are connected to a web-based system and are monitored 24/7. If stock is running low or if a machine requires a service or is experiencing a technical issue, we are immediately notified and can rectify the problem.

    VendingUS provides various payment methods. From cash to credit and debit cards as well as an online payment option with your smartphone, VendingUS caters to everyone’s preferred payment method.

    VendingUS also provides Healthy Vending for more health-conscious employees and visitors. Stocked with low-calorie, organic food and drink items, give your employees the energy they need throughout the day.

    Stay productive with VendingUS.


    Google and other Reviews

    Jarries Biggest fan *****

    These machines are amazing

    Carson Galovan *****

    Great vending machines!!!