GET a FREE Smart Vending Machine


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    Vending Machines in Casinos Could Be Your Best Shot at Winning

    Casino Vending Machines

    Hit the jackpot with VendingUS vending machines. These advanced, responsive and attractive machines are provided free-of-cost if you have more than 75 people who frequent your casino.

    Provide your customers with a vending machine service that can be tailored to their choices. The QR code on the front of the machines takes requests for desired products to be included in the machines. When customers and players use the QR code they will be gifted a coupon.

    Regular customers will appreciate not needing to leave the casino to purchase their preferred snack and drink items. This means vending machines need to be operational and stocked all the time. Service and repair times for standard vending machine services may take long. VendingUS vending machines rarely experience these issues. Our machines are connected to a web-based system and are online 24/7. They are constantly monitored and if any issue occurs, we are notified immediately and can resolve the issue. If a machine experiences any technical issues, needs to be serviced or runs low or out of a product, we can quickly address the problem. This means our machines are rarely out of order or have empty slots keeping your customers playing.

    With many different payment options, from cash to credit and debit cards and making payment with your smartphone, your customers and employees will appreciate the convenience and ease of payment.

    VendingUS now offers Healthy Vending. Stocked with low-calorie food and beverage items as well as organic products, our machines cater to the different wishes of your customers and employees.

    Win big with VendingUS.


    Google and other Reviews

    Jarries Biggest fan *****

    These machines are amazing

    Carson Galovan *****

    Great vending machines!!!

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